The Columbia Basin Partnership memorialized on April 11, 2008 at the signing ceremony at Horsethief State Park, WA formalized a new working relationship between Tribes, states, and Federal agencies with responsibility to manage and protect Pacific Northwest salmon and their habitats.   

In the Klickitat Subbasin, this new partnership provides secured resources to continue the gains in habitat preservation and restoration, needed hatchery reform measures, and provides the ability to monitor management actions over time.

Crane over YKFP construction site

YKFP Projects

Lyle Falls Fishway Improvements

Castile Falls Enumeration Facility

Klickitat Hatchery Road & Bridge Project

Klickitat Hatchery Program Environmental Impact Statement

PIT Detection Array
(see article #7 "Klickitat River Fish Passage Inprovement Project" on p.11 of PTAGIS Newsletter)

Klickitat Hatchery Upgrades & Reforms

Wahkiacus Hatchery & Acclimation Facility

McCreedy Creek Steelhead Acclimation Facility

Re-construction of tunnel at Castile Falls