Castile Falls Enumeration Facility
A new monitoring station is being constructed at the terminus of the uppermost fishway tunnel at Castile Falls to enable biologists and fishery managers to effectively monitor anadromous passage into the recently opened upper Klickitat Basin. In mid-April, 2010 construction began on the 17' X 25' fish monitoring station and the associated fuel building. Excavation of 1100 cubic yards of material has been completed for construction of the foundation to directly abut this fishway. In the coming months, a fish window will be installed enabling digital imagery of upstream salmon migration. In addition to the digital imagery, a PIT-tag detection array will be installed in the ladder to remotely detect passage of fish tagged with PIT tags. Data gathered will supply managers with information on the natural re-colonization rate of the upper basin after fishway improvements, species utilization and run timing in order to better inform management decisions. The project will be completed by October 2010. |

Side view of new monitoring facility and existing fishway exit.
Design drawing of fishway and video monitoring window. |

Overview of CFEF project site. Sept. 21, 2010.
Construction of new sluice gate. Sept. 21, 2010.
Construction of new fish viewing window. Sept. 21, 2010.
View of work site. June 23, 2010. |
Excavation work. June 3, 2010. |

Excavation and work site. June 23, 2010. |
Fuel Storage Building, June 23, 2010 |
Castile Falls Enumeration Facility project crew. |