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This diagram shows the relationship between the support models and the EDT model.
The support models serve to provide input to selected EDT attributes.
The support models fall into 3 categories- flow, habitat and physical.
First the 2 flow models-
The RiverWare model for our purposes is being used to generate the annual hydrographs for the mainstem gauging stations for each scenario. The RiverWare model was used to generate the hydrographs that appear in the Assessment report. (CLICK)
The Indicators of Hydrologic Alternation model or IHA model is being used primarily to provide flow input to the EDT model. It is also being used to compare flow conditions between scenarios to determine which scenarios provide the most normative flows for a particular gauging station.
The River 2-Dimensional and Mike 21 models are both habitat models, which are being developed in 2005. These models will describe the change in habitat amount and types as a function of river discharge for 5 major floodplains in the Yakima Basin, which I’ll show in the next slide. These 2 dimensional models will provide input to the EDT model for the habitat attributes.
The HEC-RAS model is a 1 dimensional model that will provide needed channel cross-sectional data that is necessary for both physical models and will provide channel width data with respect to river discharge for the EDT model.
USGS is developing a temperature model for the Yakima River downstream of Roza dam. The data generated from this model for each scenario will be used as input for the EDT temperature attributes.
The SIAM or Sediment Impact Analysis Method model is being developed in 2005 to correlate sediment transport to river discharge for key reaches in the basin. In addition the data provided will be used as input for the EDT sediment attributes (% fines and embeddedness).