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2 dimensional habitat models are being constructed for the 5 major floodplains in the basin. These are- Easton, Ellensburg, lower Naches, Selah Gap to Union Gap and Wapato.

The field survey work is completed for the Easton, Ellensburg, Selah gap to Union gap and the lower half of the Wapato reach. The lower Naches and upper half of the Wapato reaches will be aerial surveyed this spring.

The 2 dimensional habitat models are scheduled for completion by the end of this year.
-(Click) Three other reaches will be aerial surveyed this spring to collect the data needed for the 1 dimensional HEC-RAS model. These are the Cascade dam to Hanson ponds reach in the upper Yakima. Reaches in the lower river are from Granger bridge to Prosser dam and a 5 mile reach centered at the Chandler pumping plant.