“Basin Stations”
at least one water year of data at following sites
- Naches River @ Yakima
- Naches River @ Naches
- Tieton River @ Oak Creek
- Yakima River @ VanGiesen
- Yakima River nr Richland
- Yakima River below Prosser
- Yakima River @ Mabton
- Yakima River @ Granger
- Yakima River near Toppenish
- Yakima River @ Parker
- Yakima River above Ahtanum
- Yakima River near Terrace Heights
- Yakima River @ Harrison Bridge
- Yakima River @ Ellensburg
- Yakima River near Thorp
- Cle Elum River
Surface Water Monitoring Program for Pesticides in Salmonid-Bearing Streams
- Statewide study
- Sites through lower Yakima watershed
- Intensive study on Marion Drain
- Dan Dugger
- (509)454-4183 ddug461@ecy.wa.gov
Stream Q Monitoring
Yakima Watershed Specific Studies
- Upper Yakima River Watershed Temperature TMDL
- Data collected in 2005 and 2006 from tributaries of the Upper Yakima River.
- Stream temperature
- Q
- Riparian vegetation characteristics
- Other physical parameters
Yakima Watershed Specific Studies
- Naches River Watershed Temperature TMDL
- Data collected in 2004 from streams in the Naches River Watershed
- Stream temperature
- Q
- Riparian vegetation characteristics
- Other physical parameters
Yakima Watershed Specific Studies
- Yakima Area Creeks Fecal Coliform Bacteria TMDL-
- Fecal coliform bacteria samples collected from Wide Hollow Creek, Cowiche Creek, and Moxee Drain during 2005 and 2006.
- Stormwater data, conventional parameters and some physical parameters collected.
Yakima Watershed Specific Studies
- Yakima Toxics Project
- Fish tissue study
- Effectiveness monitoring for the Upper and Lower Yakima River toxics TMDLs
- New TMDL for several pesticides on 2004 303(d) list.
- PBDE’s in wastewater treatment effluent
Recent Studies by Ecology
- Lower Yakima River DDT and TSS TMDL (1997)
- Effectiveness Monitoring Report after first five years of implementation (2006).
- Upper Yakima River TSS, Turbidity and OCP TMDL
- Teanaway River Basin Temperature TMDL (1999)
- Granger Drain Fecal Coliform Bacteria TMDL
- Selah Ditch Multi Parameter TMDL
- Wilson Creek Fecal Coliform Bacteria TMDL
- Yakima Area Creeks Fecal Coliform Bacteria TMDL
Biological Monitoring
- Project Specific Studies
- Yakima Floodplain mining study
- REMAP Yakima
- Reference Streams (3 of 10 statewide are in Yakima River Watershed)
- Oak Creek
- Umtanum Creek
- W. Fork Teanaway River
Biological Monitoring
Aquatic Macroinvertebrates
Biological Monitoring
Aquatic Plants
and Lakes
- http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/eap/lakes/aquaticplants/index.html
End of show