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Temperatures will be recorded to the nearest 0.1 degree Celsius as soon as we reformat everything.
The score is simply the difference between the baseline and the alternative in maximum or minimum temperature, but each max or min is determined for its respective biological window. For example, there are maximum and minimum temperatures for each year’s spawning period and another max/min for the incubation period.
Conditional formatting was arbitrarily set at 0.5 degrees Celsius…if the maximum temperature goes up by a half degree or more, the cell turns red; if it goes down by a half degree or more the cell turns green. Formatting is exactly opposite for the minimum temperatures…If the minimum is reduced by half a degree or more, the cell turns red; it turns green if the minimum is increased by half a degree. This scoring made sense to us, but there are undoubtedly better ways to do this. Suggestions are welcome.