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Organization of the YRDSS
- Principal driver is Bureau of Reclamation systems operation model, RiverWare.
- Output from RiverWare used as input to linked models for other components, or exported directly to YRDSS.
- YRDSS consists of multiple, linked Excel workbooks, automated by Visual Basic macros.
Decision Variables in the YRDSS
- Habitat responses for selected target (fish) species.
- Temperature changes during important biological time windows.
- Water availability and proration rates.
- Reservoir storage and passage for bull trout and smolts from selected reservoirs.
- Overbank flows and potential flood damages.
- Sediment transport.
Time series analysis
- All decision variables quantified over a 22 year period of record: WY 1982 – WY 2003.
- Results displayed for each year and summarized for period of record.
- Some variables (e.g., proration rates) displayed monthly.
Information Flow for YRDSS Decision Variables
Slide 7
- Summary scores pages
- Annual scores pages
- Duration series plots
- Flow and temperature duration curves
- Flow and storage time series plots
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Habitat Time Series
- Floodplain reaches – Easton, Kittitas, Naches, Union Gap, and Wapato.
- Target species – Spring Chinook, Fall Chinook, Coho, Steelhead, Rainbow Trout, Bull Trout.
- Life Stages (variable by species) – Spawning and Incubation, Fry, Sub-yearling (winter and summer), Yearling, Adult.
Derivation of a Habitat Time Series
Slide 12
Derivation of a Habitat Versus Flow Functions
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Special Case for Spawning and Incubation Habitat
Special Case for Spawning and Incubation Habitat
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Derivation of Temperature Data
- Stream Network Temperature Model (SNTEMP) Designed and Calibrated for Upper Yakima Basin by USGS Washington Water Science Center.
- Daily Flows and Reservoir Releases Input from RiverWare for Baseline and Alternative Operations.
- Scoring Based on Changes in Max/Min During the Hydroperiod Defined for Each Life Stage.
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Overbank Flow and Floods
- Overbank flows considered beneficial, but damaging floods detrimental.
- Overbank flow defined as maximum daily flow with 1.67 year recurrence interval (Default).
- Damaging flood defined as maximum daily flow with 25 year recurrence interval (Default).
- Scoring based on frequency of either under baseline and alternative.
Deliveries and Exports
- Total Water Supply Available (TWSA) and Proration Rates derived directly from RiverWare.
- Scoring based on percentage differences in TWSA and Proration for baseline and alternative, monthly, from April through September.
Sediment Transport (under construction)
- Four aspects considered:
- Redd Scour
- Fine Sediment Transport
- Armour Disruption and
- Geomorphic Processes.
Redd Scour – Scored as Frequency of Flows During Spawning/Incubation Window, Capable of Moving Redd Substrates.
- Redd Scour – Scored as Frequency of Flows During Spawning/Incubation Window, Capable of Moving Redd Substrates.
- Fine Sediment Transport – Scored as Difference in Total Mass Transport of Sand and Smaller Sized Sediment.
- Armour Disruption – Scored as Frequency of Flows Capable of Mobilizing the Armour Layer.
- Geomorphic Adjustment – Scored as Annual Sum of Geomorphic Work Done.
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