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Pelican & Gull – Smolt Passage Correlations, Chandler & Horn Rapids (2004-2006).
Consistent moderate to strong correlations with wild and hatchery coho passage (0.49 - 0.83).
Little or no correlation with spring or fall chinook passage, wild or hatchery (-0.4 - 0.58).
Little or no correlation with wild steelhead passage (-0.09 – 0.50).
Hotspot model estimated 93,000 smolts consumed by Horn Rapid gulls, over 90% fall chinook (small data set, assumes all fish are smolts, up 400% from 2005).
If Chandler pelicans are supporting themselves on smolts alone they would have to consume between 247,000 and 286,000 fish in 2006 (worst case scenario – high unlikely).