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Table of contents

2006 Coho Juvenile Migration and Radio Tracking Distribution Presented By: Todd Newsome Fisheries Biologist for the Yakama Nation

Slide 2


Phase I Conclusions

Slide 5

Upriver Coho SAR Indices

Interim Work Phase II Set Up Work

Local In Basin Brood Development

Slide 9

Slide 10

50% Passage, Natural vs. Hatchery 2nd Step in Isolating and reducing possible mortality (Timing)

Over-winter Survival Studies

Final Over-winter Results, Year 3

Slide 14

Adult Returns

Slide 16

Slide 17

Slide 18

Slide 19

Slide 20

Slide 21

Slide 22

Slide 23

Slide 24

Slide 25

Habitat Work

Coho Highlights

Slide 28

Slide 29

Phase II (2007-2011)

Slide 31

Slide 32

Slide 33

Baseline Data Monitoring and Evaluation For Phase II

Slide 35

Adult Out Planting

Slide 37

Slide 38

Development of a Final Coho Master Plan

The End

Author: Dave Fast
