Converting Idle Farmland to Floodplain Habitats
Yakima Valley Riparian/Wetlands Restoration Project
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Determine target plant assemblages
- Greasewood flat associations
- Greasewood/saltgrass/basin wildrye
- Basin wildrye or Basin wildrye/basin big sagebrush
- Riparian woodland
Propagate native seed
Invasive plant control
- Weed control during establishment
- Reestablish native shrubs and forbs
- Monitoring to modify management when necessary
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Early Results
- 2% germination overall
- 4% LECI
- 1% POSE
- No DISP to date
- 1% cover
- 11 seedlings/m2
- 8 cm height
Early Results
- 11% germination overall
- 20% LECI
- 5% POSE
- No DISP to date
- 3.6% cover
- 56 seedlings/m2
- 25 cm height
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“We must not divorce the stream from its valley in our thoughts at any time. If we do we lose touch with reality.”
-- H.B.N. Hynes
Intl. Assn. of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, vol. 19, 1975.