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Yakima River Basin Water Enhancement Project
- Target Flows
- Water Conservation
- Land and Water Acquisition
- System Improvements
- Tributary Improvements
- Yakama Nation Program
- Operational Changes
- Yakama Nation, Washington State Department of Ecology, Washington State Dept. of Fish & Wildlife, Bonneville Power Administration/Northwest Power Planning Council, Army Corps of Engineers, Yakima County, City of Yakima, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Environmental Protection Agency, Industry, Landowners
Planning Documents
Report on Biologically Based Flows for the Yakima River Basin
The Basin Conservation Plan
The Reaches Project
Interim Comprehensive Operating Plan
Water Conservation
- Most Districts Have Completed Initial Water Conservation Plans
- Several Plans in the Feasibility Phase
- Willing Participants Only
- Two Districts Currently Entering the Implementation Phase
- 2/3 Conserved Water to Instream Flow
- 1/3 Conserved Water to Irrigation
- Conveyance water
- Change of use of the water
- Not new water
- Only affects the reach it was used in
- Allows for better management of the water
Sunnyside Conservation
- Adjudication Court Settlement
- Reregulating Reservoirs
- Automated Check Structures
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- Reach By Reach Improvements
- Canal Automation/Reregulating Reservoirs
- Canal Lining/Pressurized Laterals
- On-Farm Improvements/Scheduling
- Tiered Pricing
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Benton Conservation
- Change in Point of Diversion
- New Pressurized Pump System
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Yakama Nation Programs
- Toppenish Corridor Project
- Wapato Irrigation Project Improvements
- Demonstration Project
Toppenish Corridor Project
- Plans in the Final Completion Phase
- Prioritizing Components
- Completing Engineering Construction Estimates
Wapato Irrigation Project Improvements
- Plan Completed
- Tribal Council Approval Completed
- Satus Pumping Plant
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Wapatox Water Right Acquisition
- Key Aggraded Reach
- Critical Location for Steelhead
- Instream Flow Issues
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Critical Reaches Study
- Identify & Prioritize Critical River Reaches
- Provide Recommendations On Where to Purchase Water & Land
- Provide Scientific Rationale for Restoring Habitat
- Provide a Baseline and Protocol for Long-Term Monitoring
- Aerial Photo Analysis and GIS Mapping
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Wenas Creek Tributary
- Priority Cultural Site – Yakama Nation Village Site Requiring Protection
- Approximately 1 Stream Mile
- Electrofishing Results Indicate that Fish are Actively Using this Habitat
- Very Little Connected Backwater Habitat in Entire Selah Reach
- Return Flow Provides Habitat During Significant Portions of Summer Also
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Gap to Gap Reach
- Unique Key Location Below Confluence of Naches and Yakima Rivers
- Key Staging Area for Anadromous Outmigrants
- High Value Habitat Diversity and Food Source
- Wetland Replacement (Mitigation) Area - Water Conservation
Gap to Gap Reach
- High Value Habitat Diversity and Food Source Area
- YRBWEP Acquired Backwater Habitat is Improving
- Yakima County’s Levee Setback Progressing
- WashDOT’s Highway 24 Bridge Wide-Span Replacement Project has been Completed
Aerial of Union Gap
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- “The Greatest Thing In This World Is Not So Much Where We Are, But In What Direction We Are Moving”
- O. Wendell Homes