Watershed Restoration & Protection
Cowiche Case Study
PowerPoint Presentation
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Watershed Visions & Planning
- Restoration (general and specific)
- Planning units (stream, geologic, land use characteristics)
- Headwaters (WQ & habitat protection)
- Upper basin (passage and screening, flow, riparian)
- Canyon (passage)
- Lower basin (irrigation consolidation, passage, diking, riparian, WQ)
- Protection (fish and wildlife)
- Habitat – Specific habitat values and specific threats
- Key migration corridors & ecological connectivity
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Develop Partnerships
- YTAHP = Yakima Tributary Access & Habitat Program
- Resource & Community Development (RC&D)
- Conservation Districts
- Water Purveyors & Irrigation Districts
- WDFW & Ecology
- Cowiche Canyon Conservancy
- The Nature Conservancy
- The Yakama Nation
- Landowners
Cowiche Creek
Stream Restoration
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Schneider Habitat Project on Cowiche Creek
Habitat Protection
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Habitat Diversity & Quality
- Riparian (good to excellent) PHS
- Instream (good to excellent) PHS
- Wetlands (good to excellent) PHS
- Aspen stands (good to excellent) PHS
- Oak Woodland (good to excellent) PHS
- Shrub-steppe (fair to excellent) PHS
- Cliffs and talus (good to excellent) PHS
- Ponderosa Pine (fair to good)
- Deer and elk winter range (fair to good)
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Game Species
Habitat and Species
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Cowiche Project immediacy of threat to habitat
Subdivision Impacts
Parasite Threat
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Political Support
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Changing Landscape
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Summary For Success
- Vision
- Detailed Plan
- Develop Partnerships
- Have a Compelling Story
- Grantors = $$$
- Gain Political Support
- Be Patient, Persistent, and Flexible
- Develop a Good Team
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