Yakima Basin Fish and Wildlife Recovery Board

Board Structure

Current YBFWRB Products

What is on our plate right now:

The SRFB Funding Process

As the Lead Entity for our area, we:

Slide 7

06-214 Upper Yakima Protection-Hundley $ 300,000 Kittitas Conservation Trust 32% Match

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06-2141  Cle Elum River Instream Habitat $243,820 Kittitas Conservation Trust 36% Match

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06-2156 Cherry Ck Barrier Removal & Screening $316,900 Kittitas Conservation District 31% Match

06-220 Schneider Habitat Project/Cowiche Creek $147,050 North Yakima Conservation District 15% Match

Community Salmon Fund 2006

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The Yakima Subbasin Plan

Yakima Subbasin Salmon Recovery Plan

Development of the Initial Draft

Reviews of the Draft

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Viable Salmonid Population (VSP)

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MSA Scenario Maps

Tributary Actions

Mainstem Actions

Key Uncertainties

The Next Steps

Future Directions for the Board

Building Political & Financial Support

Focus on Priorities & Tracking Progress Towards Them