We have combined the presentation on the Yakima Basin Recovery Plan scheduled for this slot and the presentation on the Yakima Basin Fish & Wildlife Recovery Board originally scheduled for tomorrow at 3:40 into one. For those looking for more detail on the recovery plan than I give in this presentation, I encourage you to talk to me after, or better yet, touch base with your colleagues here who were intimately involved in drafting the plan, including Joel Freudenthal, David Lind, Richard Visser and Phil Mees.
Today I’ll give you a quick overview of the origins and structure of the Yakima Basin Fish & Wildlife Recovery Board and present the planning processes that the Board and its predecessors have been involved in. Richard Visser will then present the project funding processes that the Board will be coordinating as it takes on the role of Yakima Basin Lead Entity. After that I will talk briefly about the Board’s future direction.