PUBLIC – PRIVATE – TRIBAL Fostering Successful Collaborations

LEGISLATED POLICIES State Environmental Policy Act Growth Management Act Trust Water Program Interlocal Cooperation Act


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GOAL: “No net loss of fish and wildlife habitat in connection with the development of the MPR”

Organize and support a qualified land and water conservation corporation

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Trendwest Protected Open Space Areas

Monitor and Steward - on-site MPR Conservation Easements (3,500+ ac.)

Slide 11

Monitor and Steward - on-site MPR Conservation Easements (3,500+ ac.)

Monitor and Steward - on-site MPR Conservation Easements (3,500+ ac.)

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Monitor and Steward - on-site MPR Conservation Easements (3,500+ ac.)

Monitor and Steward - on-site MPR Conservation Easements (3,500+ ac.)

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Monitor and Steward - on-site MPR Conservation Easements (3,500+ ac.)

Monitor and Steward - on-site MPR Conservation Easements (3,500+ ac.)

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The Easton Floodplain Reach

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Riparian Habitat Types present

Riparian Habitat Types present

Riparian Habitat Benefits

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Biological Justification

Biological Justification

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Biological Justification

Biological Justification

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Biological Justification

Slide 48

Biological Justification

Holmes Property – Ellensburg Reach

Biological Justification

Slide 52

Salmon in the Classroom

PUBLIC – PRIVATE – TRIBAL Fostering Successful Collaborations