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When the main bridge connecting the Gladmar property to Gladmar road was swept away during the flood of 1996, the Gladmar property was left isolated from foot and vehicle travel.
Currently, the only way to gain access to the former park-property is by boat, or by wading during low flows.
To make the Gladmar property accessible again it will be necessary to design, construct, and install a new bridge.
Under Washington Administrative Code (WAC 220-110-070), the installation of any water-crossing structure requires a Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA) (Appendix D). Due to the potential for a construction project to adversely affect fish activity or fish habitat, an HPA issued by the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW), is required by any person, organization, or governmental agency wishing to conduct any construction activity that will use, divert, obstruct or change the bed or flow of state waters. A permit is also required if any dredging or filling of the stream is needed to complete the project. To obtain an HPA, a Joint Aquatic Resource Permit Application (JARPA) must be completed and reviewed by all resource-management agencies having jurisdiction over potentially-affected resources (Appendix E). The HPA will be processed after a WDFW Habitat Biologist assesses the area. The application, if approved, will be processed and mailed within thirty days.