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First Generation Results Published in:
- First Generation Results Published in:
- Knudsen, C. M., S. L. Schroder, C. A. Busack, M. V. Johnston, T. N. Pearsons, W. J. Bosch, and
- D. E. Fast. 2006.
- Comparison of life-history traits between first-generation hatchery and wild Upper Yakima River spring Chinook salmon.
- Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 135:1130–1144.
First Phase Objective:
Compare first generation hatchery and wild origin fish returning from broodyears 1997 to 2000.
Phase 1 Conclusions
- Wild fish were larger at age (grew faster) in all years, differing by as much a 1 SD from hatchery fish
- The differences in body size were significant in all comparisons accept BY2000 age 4’s
- Differences observed in age-3 fish had to occur sometime over the ~16 months after release
Phase 1 Conclusions - cont’d
- Age Composition – increasing proportion of hatchery age 3 returns.
- Sex Ratios – increasing proportion of hatchery male returns.
- Passage timing at RAMF - Hatchery and wild was significantly different in some years, but the differences were relatively small with no trend.
- Spawn timing at CESRF - Hatchery fish consistently spawned earlier by 5.1 days on average.
First Phase Objective: Compare first generation hatchery and wild origin fish returning from broodyears 1997 to 2000.
Second Phase Objective:
Compare second generation Hatchery- and Natural-origin fish returning from broodyears 2001 to 2004.
Yakima River Basin
Age Composition
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(reflecting growth rates)
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POHP (+ 1 sd) Age 4 Females and Males 2006
High and Low Growth Treatments
High and Low Growth Juvenile Body Weight
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ANOVA: High vs Low POHP
Spawn Timing At CESRF
Spawn Timing At CESRF
- Hatchery fish continue to return at smaller size-at-age than Natural origin fish
- Increased proportions of age 3 jacks continues
- Age 4 fish from all Yakima River populations have significantly declines in size since 2001
- 2006 was the first year we observed significant sexual dimorphism (females>males)
- Spawn timing of hatchery fish at CESRF was once again earlier than natural origin fish
- Yakama Nation Roza Adult Monitoring Facility Crew
- Cle Elum Supplementation and Research Facility Crew
- Bonneville Power Administration for providing funding
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