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First Generation Results Published in:

First Phase Objective: Compare first generation hatchery and wild origin fish returning from broodyears 1997 to 2000.

Phase 1 Conclusions

Phase 1 Conclusions - cont’d

First Phase Objective: Compare first generation hatchery and wild origin fish returning from broodyears 1997 to 2000. Second Phase Objective: Compare second generation Hatchery- and Natural-origin fish returning from broodyears 2001 to 2004.

Yakima River Basin

Age Composition

Slide 10

Size-at-Age (reflecting growth rates)

Slide 12

Slide 13

POHP (+ 1 sd) Age 4 Females and Males 2006

High and Low Growth Treatments

High and Low Growth Juvenile Body Weight

Slide 17

ANOVA: High vs Low POHP

Spawn Timing At CESRF

Spawn Timing At CESRF



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