PowerPoint Presentation
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Classical Hypothesis for Pacific Salmon Evolution and Diversification
- Isolation during glacial advances
- Problem: Fossil salmon pre-date Pleistocene glaciations!
Evolution of the Pacific Salmon
- Pacific salmon evolved between 20 million and 6 million years ago (Miocene).
- Radiation of Pacific salmon into distinct species coincides with uplift of Pacific Rim topography.
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Salmon and Natural Disturbances
- For millions of years salmon thrived in a landscape shaped by floods, volcanic eruptions, and natural disturbances.
Status of Salmon Populations Today
- Region Percent of Historical Run Size
- Alaska 106
- British Columbia 36
- Puget Sound 8
- Washington <2
- Columbia Basin <2
- Oregon 7
- California 5
- California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho 5
- Gresh, T., J. Lichatowich and P. Schoonmaker (2000) An estimation of historic and current levels of salmon production in the Northeast Pacific ecosystem: Evidence of a nutrient deficit in the freshwater systems of the Pacific Northwest. Fisheries, 25(1): 15-21.
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Hydro (dams)
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How well do we know what we are trying to restore?
- Most studies of fluvial systems come from areas that no longer host “frontier forests”. How representative is our understanding of wood in world rivers?
Army Corps of Engineers aggressively
“de-snagged” American Rivers
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Nisqually River
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