2007 Yakima Basin Aquatic Science and Management Conference Abstracts

Blankenship, Scott M., Cheryl A. Dean, and Maureen P. Small. Comparison of Adult Steelhead and Resident Trout Collected at Roza Dam in 2006 to Available DNA-based Microsatellite Genetic Data

Busack, Craig and Todd Pearsons. The Proportionate Natural Influence (PNI) Concept and its Use in Supplementation Monitoring

Hatch, Douglas R., R. Branstetter, J. Whiteaker, D. Fast, J. Blodgett, B. Bosch, T. Newsome, and M. Johnston. Migration behavior and survival of artificially reconditioned kelt steelhead through the lower Columbia River

Hubble, Joel. Overview of the Yakima Basin Storage Study

Kassler, Todd W. and Jennifer Von Barge DNA-Based Stock-of-Origin Assignments of Chinook Salmon Smolts Outmigrating Past Chandler Trap (Yakima River) in 2006

Knudsen Curtis M., Steve L. Schroder, Craig Busack, Todd N. Pearsons, Mark V. Johnston, and David E. Fast. A Comparison of Life-History Traits of Natural origin and Second-Generation Hatchery Origin Upper Yakima River Spring Chinook Salmon Returning in 2006

Newsome, Todd. 2006 Yakima River Coho Re-Introduction Feasibility Study

Schroder,S.L. C.M. Knudsen, T.N. Pearsons, T.W. Kassler, S.F. Young, C.A. Busack, and D.E. Fast. Breeding Success Of Wild And First Generation Hatchery Female Spring Chinook Salmon Spawning In An Artificial Stream