Falls Fishway Improvements
Reconstruct Lyle Falls Fishway to Federal design criteria to ease passage
of steelhead past river mile 2.2 of the Klickitat River, and to function
as the broodstock collection facility for the YKFP steelhead integrated
hatchery program.
Improvements are planned
at Lyle Falls Fishway to address limited adult fish passage through the
fishway into the Klickitat subbasin. Engineering assessments (Harbor
Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1996) identified the following factors
currently restricting passage at the fishway:
Inadequate attraction
Location of the
fishway entrance
Configuration of
the fishway entrance ports
Location of the
fishway exit, with fish exiting into swift water
Trash rack debris
River shoaling
at the fishway exit
A subsequent HEC-RAS
hydraulic model report, using fisheries criteria in accordance with the
accepted design criteria approved by fishery agencies (NOAA and WDFW),
outlined repairs, modifications, and retrofits that would facilitate increased
passage into the Klickitat subbasin for all fish at nearly all flow conditions.
The completion of
ongoing engineering and design work for Lyle Falls will establish a facility
that allows a high proportion of returning fish to be physically examined
at a location in the lower watershed. A video monitoring and PIT-tag detection
system would enable escapement monitoring, provide run-timing information,
improve enumeration of natural- and hatchery-origin recruits returning
to the subbasin, and could also determine the presence/absence of a fluvial
bull trout population.
The collection facility
would support data collection that bears on the scientific justification
for particular supplementation activities proposed for the subbasin. See
ISRP 2005-16. The facility would support monitoring and evaluation
strategies in the proposed Klickitat
Anadromous Fishery Master Plan (KMP) that can be undertaken prior
to implementation of supplementation activities, including the following:
SC3d. Use radio telemetry, mark-recapture, and/or run reconstruction to determine
passage and entrainment rates at Lyle Falls and Castile Falls and to
track natural spawners to their spawning grounds.
Strategy SC5a. Collect DNA samples and morphometric data from fish passing through
the Lyle Falls and Castile Falls traps. Use findings from Yakima and
other Columbia Basin studies in conjunction with information from these
samples to target genetic studies in the Klickitat subbasin. Convene
meetings of tribal and state geneticists as necessary to further develop
sampling rates, protocols, and evaluation measures.
Strategy SC6b. Update and maintain all Klickitat-related databases with historical
and current harvest data.
Strategy SC6c.
Use run reconstruction methods developed for Yakima Basin spring Chinook
to reconstruct Klickitat run and harvest to the Columbia River mouth.
here for an image of the construction schematic for the fishway improvements.
(Coming soon.)
to YKFP Klickitat Facilities |