Klickitat Hatchery operations are federally funded by NOAA-Fisheries under
authority of the Mitchell Act. The facility is operated by the Yakama Nation
(YN), in association with the co-managed (YN & Washington Dept. of Fish
& Wildlife [WDFW]) Yakima/Klickitat
Fisheries Project (YKFP). The Klickitat Hatchery is located
7 miles east of Glenwood, Washington at river mile 42 of the Klickitat River.
The hatchery has been in continuous operation since its construction in
As a Columbia River Fish Management Plan (CRFMP)-managed hatchery under
U.S. v Oregon, the Klickitat Hatchery is a very important facility
used to meet Treaty Trust responsibilities of the Federal Government. The
terminal fishery in the Klickitat River provides one of the last existing
fishing sites where Yakama tribal members using traditional methods can
harvest salmon for ceremonial, subsistence, and commercial purposes. This
hatchery provides important tribal and non-tribal fisheries in Zone 1-6
of the Columbia River, as well as the Pacific Ocean.
Klickitat Hatchery Fish Data

The hatchery consists of the following buildings:
- Hatchery incubation
room and early rearing (6,435 sq. ft.)
- Shop (1,280 sq.
- Freezer building
(1200 sq. ft.)
- Main water supply
distribution building (1,064 sq. ft.)
- Generator (250
- Storage building
(2,400 sq. ft.)
- Three residences
(each 1,056 sq. ft.)
Rearing facilities consist of the following:
- Twenty-two raceways
- Three release ponds
- Six water intakes
- Two adult holding
- Volunteer fish
ladder (100 ft.) and trap
- Pollution abatement
pond (volume 28,350 cu. ft.)
Hatchery rearing water supplies come from four separate water sources
with six individual intakes. The water sources are:
- Indian Ford
A Creek (with two intakes Indian Ford Upper A & Indian Ford Lower
- Indian Ford
B Creek (with intake Indian Ford B)
- Klickitat River
(with river gravity intake & river pump)
- Wonder Springs
(gravity intake)
In addition to
the intakes, there are various water reuse capabilities built into
the system. The water source for the adult holding pond is the reuse
system from the upper hatchery level raceway banks B & C and the
incubation system. A system is in place where river water could
be pumped directly through a pipeline into the north side of the
holding pond, though this system has not been used since the mid-1990's,
discontinued because of heavy silt/sand loadings that resulted in
gill problems.
Fall Chinook
and Coho Broodstock origins
Priest Rapids Hatchery
adult "upriver bright" (URB) fall Chinook are the broodstock
source for Klickitat Hatchery production fall Chinook eggs. In 1985,
the Klickitat Hatchery stopped the transfer-in of "tule" fall
Chinook, switching to URB fall Chinook as a more desirable harvest stock.
Type N* coho eggs can come from any lower Columbia River Type N coho
stocks. These are stocks derived from Cowlitz Late stock coho that were
introduced to the Washougal Hatchery in 1985. Other hatcheries that
have provided Type N coho eggs are: Cowlitz, Washougal, Lewis River,
Kalama River, and Elochoman Hatcheries.
or Contacting the Klickitat Hatchery
Hatchery tours are
available to visitors. To arrange a visit, please contact Klickitat
Phone: 509-364-3310
*Type N coho: A coho stock that rears in ocean waters off
the mouth of the Columbia River and northward to the northern Washington
coast (StreamNet).
Hatchery Fish Data