Information about the health, abundance, distribution and other data on Klickitat River fish and their environment is collected by YKFP staff throughout the subbasin on an ongoing basis. Fish population and habitat data are collected by the Monitoring and Evaluation project and the KWEP (Klickitat Watershed Enhancement Project), while management and analysis of the data is supported by YKFP Data Management.

Existing research and monitoring in the Klickitat Subbasin consists primarily of:

Smolt Trap (Rotary Screw Trap) Operation:
Castile Falls rotary screw trap
  • Temporal outmigration patterns and relative abundance for wild and hatchery salmon and steelhead populations are monitored at 3 trap locations (upper, middle, and lower mainstem Klickitat

  • Preliminary trap efficiency estimates have been developed to allow for better smolt abundance estimates (further refinement is ongoing)

  • Length frequency and age composition for wild salmon and steelhead populations has been described at all 3 trap locations.


Spawner Abundance and Distribution Monitoring:YKFP technicians portage a waterfall on the upper Klickitat River

  • Temporal and spatial redd distribution and long-term redd abundance for, steelhead, has been monitored throughout the subbasin. Time span of dataset for spring Chinook is 1989 to present; for steelhead, 1990 to present; for fall Chinook, 1995 to present; and for coho, 1996 to present.

  • Global Positioning System (GPS) locations have been recorded for redds since 2003; this has allowed for better spatial display and analysis and for preliminary development of a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) database.

Genetic analysis of salmon and steelhead

Wild spring Chinook smolts intercepted at Castile Falls rotary screw trapGenetic sampling and analysis (in collaboration with Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission [CRITFC] geneticists) to date has yielded the following results:

  • There is significant genetic divergence between hatchery and native summer steelhead (Narum et al. 2006)

  • It is possible that multiple (up to 6 or 7) subpopulations of steelhead exist in the subbasin (Narum et al. 2006)

  • Genetic diversity is correlated with features such as elevation, temperature, upstream distance, and precipitation. Anadromous steelhead populations were characterized by high genetic diversity, and were consistently present in low elevation sites throughout the drainage. Resident rainbow trout populations had low genetic diversity and were predominant in higher elevation sites and above high-gradient stream reaches. (Narum et al 2008)

  • Rainbow trout populations in the upper Klickitat River (above Castile Falls) show some indication of interbreeding with anadromous steelhead.

Conducting habitat surveysTributary Habitat Surveys

  • Since 1996 habitat surveys have been conducted using the Timber, Fish, and Wildlife (TFW) Monitoring Protocols. This information is being used to populate the EDT model, to characterize and monitor stream habitat conditions, and for habitat restoration/enhancement project identification

  • Approximately 80 sites on 40 streams have been surveyed to date, including all major tributaries (many with multiple sites) and multiple sites on the upper mainstem Klickitat River. Some sites have been surveyed a second time; most sites are planned for resurvey on a 5- to 10-year basis. Data.


Lyle and Castile Falls Passage Improvements and Adult Salmonid Monitoring

  • 85% of the final design work has been completed for the Lyle Falls Facility. Approved design (NOAA and WDFW) includes re-construction to meet Federal and state passage criteria, incorporation of video and PIT-tag monitoring, and adult collection facility

  • In cooperation with WDFW, an adult monitoring/trapping facility at Lyle Falls has been in operation since summer 2004. Preliminary trap efficiencies and mark-recapture studies have been developed to assist in adult abundance estimation. Adult trapping has also allowed for collection of genetic samples and additional scale samples for age analysis

  • Completion of Castile Falls Fishway improvements opening 65 miles of spawning and rearing habitat for steelhead

  • 90% of the final design work was been completed for the Castile Falls Fishway Enumeration Facility. Facility will be placed within the fishway exit of the #10/11 tunnel and monitoring escapement into the upper subbasin by use of video and PIT-tag technologies.

Juvenile and Resident Fish Distribution/Abundance Sampling Conducting fish distribution and abundance surveys

  • Presence/absence surveys for juvenile and resident salmonids have been completed in the majority of subbasin tributaries and in the upper mainstem

  • Abundance estimates have been completed in numerous tributaries.

EDT Analysis

  • The initial EDT reach analysis for spring Chinook was completed in the summer of 2000

  • Multiple model iterations for steelhead were conducted in 2002-2005

  • EDT was utilized to run Proper Functioning Condition (PFC) within the Klickitat Subbasin

  • EDT Model runs have informed Subbasin Planning, Anadromous Fishery Master Planning, and the federal Salmon Recovery Planning processes.

Sediment Sampling

Gravel samples have been collected and analyzed annually from 12 sites distributed over the mainstem and major tributaries since 1999. Data.

Stream temperature/water quality monitoring

  • Water temperature has been monitored continuously since 1996 at 28 sites (36 sites since 2003) distributed throughout the subbasin

  • Basic water quality parameters have been monitored on a seasonal basis since 2000 at most of these sites. Data.

Pathogen Sampling

In 2002-2004, approximately 1000 pathogen samples were collected from various sites throughout the subbasin; samples were analyzed by the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) using protocols of the National Wild Fish Health Survey.

The map below illustrates the various monitoring locations in the Klickitat Subbasin.

Click on one of the text links below the map to go to interactive maps for specific types of monitoring data.

Klickitat River Subbasin fishery data monitoring sites

Gravel/sediment sampling sites: sediment monitoring is conducted through periodic sampling and analysis of gravels in locations throughout the subbasin.

Timber, Fish and Wildlife habitat survey segments

Temperature and water quality monitoring sites

Flow gauges

Fish monitoring sites

Select from the drop-down menus below to view data reports.

Field Data
Artificial Production Data

Habitat Data

Fish data


Hatchery data

USGS real-time water data for the Klickitat River below Pitt, WA

USGS real-time water data for the Klickitat River above West Fork near Glenwood, WA.

Washington Department of Ecology's Little Klickitat River flow monitoring station.

Fish Passage Center data