Habitat Site:
Lyle Falls Fish Passage
Lyle Falls #5, mainstem Klickitat River (RM 3.3)
Status: Design phase
Project Description: Improvements are planned at Lyle Falls Fishway
to address limited adult fish passage through the fishway into the Klickitat
Limiting Factors addressed:
Fish passage obstructions
Project rationale: The completion of on-going engineering and design
work for Lyle Falls will establish a facility that allows a high proportion
of returning fish to be physically examined at a location in the lower watershed.
A video monitoring and PIT-tag detection system The facility would support
monitoring and evaluation strategies in the proposed Klickitat
Anadromous Fishery Master Plan (KMP) that can be undertaken prior
to implementation of preferred alternatives.
Biological objective:
1. M&E: Ongoing species and population viability assessment
a. Escapement monitoring, provide run-timing and enumeration of natural- and hatchery-origin recruits returning to the subbasin. It could also determine the presence/ absence of a fluvial bull trout population. The collection facility would support data collection that bears on the scientific justification for particular management activities proposed for the subbasin.