KWEP Habitat Site:

Klickitat River Meadows Restoration White/Tepee Creek Fish Passage Restoration Project Lower White Creek Habitat Restoration Lower Klickitat Riparian Re-vegetation I Klickitat River (RM12) Salmon Habitat Restoration Lower Klickitat Riparian Re-vegetation I Swale Canyon Upland and Riparian Habitat Enhancement Central and Eastern Klickitat No-Till Drill Acquisition Klickitat R. Floodplain Conserv. and Restor. Phase II Klickitat R (RM 18 to 32) Floodplain Conserv. and Restor. Tepee Creek Restoration Project White Creek Road Rehabilitation – Phase II Upper Klickitat River In-Channel and Floodplain Enhancement Klickitat Meadows Restoration Project

Location: Between RM 78.2-81.2 of the Klickitat River

Status: Phase I completed

Project Description: Work occurred within two meadows (Kessler's Ranch and Caldwell Prairie) between river miles 78.2 and 81.2 of the Klickitat River. Treatments consisted of in-channel LWD placement and minor excavation of banks. Roughly 825' of active channel and 150' of floodplain were treated in Kessler's Ranch while 725' of active channel and 550' of floodplain were treated in Caldwell Prairie.

Limiting Factors addressed:
EDT: Key habitat quantity, habitat diversity, channel stability, harassment

Project rationale: Project is located within prime spawning and rearing habitat in Upper Klickitat watershed for spring Chinook and steelhead. Upper Klickitat has been identified by the EDT model as a high priority geographic area for restoration activities benefiting both spring Chinook and steelhead.

Biological objective: Increase abundance and productivity for spring Chinook and steelhead

a. Improve and increase adult holding water prior to and during spawning.
b. Improve and maintain habitat diversity for rearing life stages.



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