Klickitat Hatchery Program Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
BPA is currently preparing an EIS analyzing proposed changes to the existing salmon and steelhead hatchery program in the Klickitat River subbasin. As mitigation under the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act (Northwest Power Act), BPA proposes to upgrade and improve the Klickitat Hatchery which is currently funded by NOAA Fisheries under the Mitchell Act.

The fisheries program in the Klickitat Basin is co-managed by the Yakama Nation and the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife as part of the YKFP. The YKFP relies on artificial propagation to re-establish, supplement, or increase natural production and harvest opportunities of anadromous salmonids while maintaining the long-term fitness of target species and minimizing ecological and genetic impacts on non-target species.
A Notice of Intent was published in the Federal Register on July 17th, 2009. A public meeting and an agency scoping meeting on the proposed project and scope of the EIS were held in August. The public scoping period ended August 31, 2009. BPA and its cooperators have analyzed the comments received during the scoping process and are developing the draft EIS.
To follow the EIS and get engaged in the process, please visit BPA's Klickitat Hatchery Program site.
In addition to the EIS, the Klickitat River Anadromous Fishery Master Plan will be updated to reflect proposed changes to Klickitat Subbasin Artificial Production. The following Hatchery Genetic Management Plans (HGMPS) will be incorporated into the revised Master Plan (anticipated summer 2011):
Draft Klickitat Hatchery Complex Program EIS (July 2010)
Spring Chinook Hatchery Genetic Management Plan (HGMP) (final Nov. 2013)
Fall Chinook HGMP (final Nov. 2013)
Coho HGMP (final Nov. 2013)